Student Handbook Tardy Policy
Throughout each semester, five unauthorized tardies in a particular class will result in the equivalency of one class cut.
Students lose credit after teh second cut. A Tardy is under 10 minutes late to a class.
Student Handbook Cut Policy
Parents will receive notification of a cut from class via email.
First cut: Three hours of detention
Second cut: Lose one credit
Third cut: Lose a total of two credits
Fourth cut: Lose a total of three credits
Fifth cut: Lose all credit for the course
Student Handbook Absence Policy
Students who have excessive unexcused absences in a specific course can automatically lose credit in that course:
12 absences = Loss of l credit from that course
18 absences = Loss of 2 credits from that course
24 absences = Loss of 3 credits from that course
30 absences = Loss of all credits from that course
Excessive absences for half-year courses are pro-rated as follows:
6 absences = Loss of l credit from that course
12 absences = Loss of all credits from that course
Credit Loss