Pacific Theater

For the category of the Pacific Theatre, we were fortunate enough to be able to interview a variety of people who took part in the drive to push the Japanese back to their own islands. Here, you will find testimony from a marine who fought in the brutal invasion of Iwo Jima, a pilot who fought in Okinawa, a navy radar specialist who worked in the Pacific, and more. Many of these men, together with those who fought in Europe, were spared the horrors of the attack on the Japanese mainland after the dropping of the atomic bombs and the Japanese surrender in 1945.

Joseph Borrelli
Charles Allen

Morty Bildner

Bill Bowman

Jim Breen

Francis Cain

John Carey

John Carothers

Jack Carroll

Tewen Chang

Joseph Charney

Tom Clifford

Bernard Colmes

Harry Crowell

Bobby Dagdigian

Eugene Dennen

William Donahue

William L. Dunphy

Joseph Fish

Alexander Forbes

Nathan Fuchs

Bernard Edward Gillespie

George Goldfarb

William & Carla Greis 

Hector Greve

Francis Hart

William Healy

Noel Hebard

James Higgins

Eugene Frederick Hurley

Alvan Jacobson


Lawrence F. Kirby

Shao-kong Lee

Charles Levy

Lester Macktez

Joseph Maher

Arthur McClellan

Edward McLaughlin

James M. Mulhern

John Mullin

Philip Myers

Harold Nectow

Arthur Lee Nims III

Thomas J. O'Hare

Arthur Olson

Edgar James Parry

Robert D. Peck

James Hugh Powers

Allan & Alice Queffelec

Edward Reulbach

Bill Riley

Charles Rizzo

Zaddie Safran

Joseph F. Skop

Charles Earl Snow

Hugh Solari

Joseph Sultenfuss

William J. Tarpy

Martin Tomolonis

James Troy

Gertrude & George Urban

Fu-Mian Wang

E.C. Willis

Selwyn Witte

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