Health screenings are conducted in grades 9 and 10 according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health policy.
Grade 9: SBIRT, and postural screenings
Grade 10: height, weight, and vision, and hearing
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach for early identification and intervention with patients whose patterns of alcohol and/or drug use put their health at risk. It was developed and implemented to meet the regulations requiring public schools to engage in substance use prevention and education as outlined in Massachusetts Legislature House Bill No. 4056 ( March, 2016).
SBIRT components are:
Universal, annual Screening (S) identifies unhealthy use. 75-85% of patients will screen negative. For those who screen positive, further assessment is needed to determine level of risk.
Brief Intervention (BI) provides feedback about unhealthy substance use. It also focuses on education, increasing patient insight and awareness about risks related to unhealthy substance use, and enhances motivation toward healthy behavioral change.
Referral to Treatment (RT) helps facilitate access to addiction assessment and treatment. A referral is usually indicated for only about 5% of people screened.
Research shows SBIRT to be most effective with patients with unhealthy alcohol or drug use who do not have a substance use disorder.
If you wish to opt out of any of the screenings, please submit that request in writing to the health